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Dolphins, Water & Attunement

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Over the past 12 years we have had a special opportunity to explore offering Attunement sessions while you are floating in water. This can be done in shallow water in a pool, lake, or in the ocean. Sound and vibration are 4-5 times more intense in water than in air. When dolphins are nearby this adds another dimension to Attunement. Please enjoy the articles in this website which describe this extraordinary experience.

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Imagine you are sharing Attunement for the next week in warm, clear, gently-rocking ocean water... the sun warming your skin, many hours of time to be deep within yourself, your ears underwater the cares of the outer world disappear and you find the silent place of awakening.

Floating in warm ocean water as a weightless spirit, free of the confines of the physical structure or our bodies in the density of gravity, allows for a distinct remembrance of the freedom within our divine nature. This freedom informs your physical structure of how it's development can continue toward ascension. Communing with water that holds memory... memory of the creative imprint of the cosmos, you are floating in a virtual akashic record in this magical self-cleansing bio-computer of life-giving fluid. Add the surround of Attunement, the teaming life forms in the ocean water, and the sonar and songs of dolphins or whales and where we go from here.... Being a recipient of Attunement in the ocean water with dolphin sonar finding it's way into every molecular structure often takes several hours for the body to let go to the reliability of the support of the water and the surrounding vibration. "Hanging on to one's head" literally and figuratively inevitably happens. Once surrendered, the head floats naturally with no need for physical support from the facilitator. Floating with the head underwater with very little urge to breathe becomes the norm. Eventually there is that 'something' that reminds you that taking a breath would be a good idea and the body naturally rolls over for air--but then will often resume floating face down for long periods of time. Your facilitators and the dolphins are ever present.... the dolphins, being conscious breathers, know exactly when you need to take a breath. Time and dimension have disappeared and you are free to explore the inner realms as never before... Then add the sounds of the dolphins in the water. Their high-pitched whistles and streaming clicks penetrate the water and you are aware these are only the few sounds that are within our human hearing range. Their awareness and sonar know everything about you and there is peace and safety in their presence. As you make eye contact with them, touch their silky warm powerful bodies, hear their range of sounds and breathing from the blow hole that universal smile finds your face. It's inevitable. But something else happens when you open your awareness to a more spacious communion with the dolphins. There is a sense that these extraordinary beings live and connect with us from the other side of the veil in consciousness. They seem to have mastered the ability to exist beyond the veil while living in physical form effortlessly bringing the ease and joy from that dimension into ours. Soak in this experience! All the places in us that are not of pure truth disappear without a thought as to how that just happened. Such magic. Such wordless bliss... Being open to experiences, sensations, and movements that we cannot explain with the outer mind is essential to Attunement in the water. Being still in consciousness and allowing the space to integrate after these sessions, especially when the dolphins are involved, you become aware there are images, sounds, and reminders that can take days, months, or even years to surface to the outer mind's awareness. Once anchored in awareness these can have a profound impact in your life. As always, stillness is the essential starting place.

As the Attunement facilitator you have other surprises awaiting you...

Your partner is floating before you and you are waist deep in the warm water free to move, walk,run or float around them. We are familiar with the feeling of extending current in the air medium but it is a different sensation in the water. Water conducts sound and vibration some 4-5 times faster than in air so the current is actually intensified in the water medium. You might use your whole body as a barometer to sense how and where to direct current. And, rather than connecting with the body as a physical structure in air it may be helpful to connect with it and the endocrine system as a body of water floating within another body of water again remembering how immediate and powerful the water medium is at conducting thought, sound,memory, and intention.

It also may be much easier to perceive where your partner's body is drawing current than when they are on a table or in a chair. Observing how they are floating in the water gives much information in itself. Mis-alignment is quite obvious. It is easier to move back and forth between sensing the various rhythms in the body and the Endocrine synapses in the water.Weightlessness in the water allows for 3-dimensional movement that is impossible on land. Many sessions are very still, of course, but often there is an inner urge for movement stretching beyond boundaries and old restrictions in an extraordinary sensation of letting go! And, it is such pleasure to explore using your whole body to support your partner...moving under, around, swishing, pulling, pushing, sometimes 'tossing' them in the water, holding them, or supporting the movement that often appears that of a fetus in utero.

The magnetic qualities of the current sometimes propel the body to spin on the surface of the water like a compass needle or sometimes as a rolling or tumbling motion.Sometimes your partner begins to spin so rapidly that it becomes impossible to keep up with them! When this happens you can continue to extend current, surrounding them through the water, and let go.The spinning continues until it reaches a natural ending and then you can connect with light touch again.

And, when the dolphins are present you may find yourself in another world of joy and spacious creativity. The dolphins, of course, are reading your thoughts and the intentions of your heart and become your co-facilitators. Extending the current through your hands they find the energy and you work together. There is so much more to explore in the realms of awakening. Don't miss this amazing experience...

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